"I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned".
Richard Feynman
“Resource assessment and policy for renewable energy resources like wind and solar in the state of Jammu and Kashmir” funded by TEQIP-III NIT Srinagar.
Project Undergoing under international collaboration: - “Optimal load assignment using single pole triple throw switch to reduce electrical loss for energy conservation program” funded by Govt. of Indonesia.
Project under SERB MATRICS of DST.
Project under JKSTIC “Uncertainty quantification and development of algorithms for stochastic analysis of electric vehicle and battery storage integrated microgrid with uncertain wind and solar generation”
Advertisement for JRA recruitment under Project (Last date 24th March 2024)
Fund for the improvement of S&T infrastructure (FIST Program 2024) Rs. 90 Lakhs. (Project Implementation Group (Co-PI)).
IEEE Task Force
-Member of IEEE Task Force on Flexible Grid-interactive Efficient Buildings to Enhance Electric Service Resilience
-Member of IEEE Task Force on BTM DERs: Estimation, Uncertainty Quantification & Control
Control of standalone microgrid Elsevier
Renewable Energy Integration to the Grid: A Probabilistic Perspective CRC Press (Taylor & Francis group)
Smart Electrical and Mechanical Systems: An Application Publisher Elsevier (Upcoming)